Instructional Material
- Bar code instructions: Generating and printing program bar codes (679 downloads ) Photo of Syncrude’s bar code sign set up: Syncrude bar code sign (237 downloads ) Photo of Imperial’s bar code sign set up: Imperial KComp bar code (240 downloads ) Photo of CNRL’s bar code sign set up: CNRL bar code (349 downloads )
- 2013 Training Materials: 2013 Training (1) program background (1170 downloads ) . 2013 training (2) protocol overview (295 downloads ) . 2013 training (3) bird ID part 1 (562 downloads ) . 2013 training (4) bird ID part 2 (540 downloads ) . Shared with everyone who participated in the 2013 training webinar/conference call on April 5, 2013. NB: Training materials have not been updated to reflect changes to the protocol between 2013 and 2014. Please credit this material to the Research on Avian Protection Project.